Tuesday, July 6, 2010

two apparently unrelated events

within the past week i've experienced two separate events--which i guess i do all the time, if you wanna be technical--but these two events have had a profound effect on me & the whole writing thing. okay, wait--three events. three separate, unrelated events. i'll address these in chronological order of occurrence:

the first: the online writing community i belong to started a spontaneous lovefest in one of the forums regarding my stories. i swear i had nothing to do with it. but the respect and affection i felt from so many people, so many other writers who i admire, just twanged me right in the heart. i felt in a solid way, and maybe for the first time, that i have a real chance of succeeding with the writing thing--if i can finish one of these novels. [that reminds me. i paged through my portfolio, and i've actually begun NINE novels. i've gotten significantly farther on three, so i tend to discount the others--but they're there. lurking. accusing with beady eyes and disappointed hearts. anyhoo, back to the point.]

the second: one of my cohorts is taking on a huge project this week. in the course of seven days, he's writing sixty thousand words of novel based on a list of thirty events created by another person (okay, me) unconnected with the actual writing of the story. thirty events not apparently related, but plotted together by him and being fleshed out into an honest-to-god novel as i type. the deadline is sunday evening at midnight (local time for him.) so far, he's posted about a third of the total story, and it's mindbending how good it is. the man blows my mind, and his fearlessness and rampant creativity and drive are damned inspiring. okay, so that's event two.

the third: today, through no special act of kindness of my own, i received a free copy of noah lukeman's newest book, How To Find & Keep A Literary Agent, from the author's website. i asked for a discount (because i'm poor right now,) and the admin was generous and classy and just sent me the book in full. maybe this happens all the time--i don't know--but not to me. this feels like another moment of serendipity, and combined with events one and two, i feel like the universe is trying to tell me something.

three separate events, all occurring inside of seven days, all leading me toward inspiration. i feel buffetted by the winds of fortune, by the wings of chubby muses as they giggle and poke me with their fat fingers, steering me toward a common goal, a shared message: WRITE, FOOLISH MORTAL. WHAT'RE YOU PIDDLING ABOUT FOR?

you'd think that would do it, wouldn't you? that and other coincidences that have led me to a place where i have the luxury of time, no money to distract me, the support of those around me and the inspiring acts of those i admire, and free books on furthering my efforts falling literally without price into my lap. i mean, what else do i want??

it's dawning on me that i want for nothing. all i have to do is write. i'd be foolish to ignore signs like these--that's the way to raise the ire of the powers that be. it'd be disrespectful. idiotic, actually. yep.