Friday, April 3, 2009

and i was doing so well, too.

as much as i've been fighting it, i have to admit that starting a new job is a real brain suck. my brain's empty, my energy's drained, and unfortunately, my creative urges are frustrated and squashed at the same time. they're still there, but rather than the iron fists bashing at the inside of my skull, they're more like a palsied tapping of decrepit fists on the back of my head. i know they're there, but man, i just can't take them seriously.

i can feel the transition shifting, though, back toward where i was. the iron fists. i just need to hang in there a little while longer, until my new job doesn't require quite so desperate an amount of my focus. i was getting nervous, wondering if i would ever regain my writing momentum, and today is the first time in weeks i've felt sure i'd return wholehearted. so, yay!

i'm even feeling more dedicated to making progress on the novels. who knows? maybe this is a turning point i'll look back on one day as "The Moment." It could happen.

So, how do you stay in the game when life is throwing cantaloupes in your lap?


  1. Yeah the day job is a real brain suck, but I don't know, sometimes I'll just nab a glass of wine and sit down at my keyboard and say 'go' That said, I haven't written much on Kodi's adventures, but did do some scifi. Just have to go where the music takes me.

  2. Um--make cantaloupe-ade? You will get back into it, I know it. Really, I don't think you could live without it. Are you still liking the new job?

  3. thanks, guys--i appreciate your comments.
    the job is still sucking my brain, and some days i honestly can't tell whether i love it or hate it. this awkward anti-honeymoon phase is trying. i tell myself i'll give it six months, and if i still feel this way i'm going back to school for my masters degree. heh. so, it'll be settled in september either way . . . maybe i should start getting those application materials together now.
