Friday, April 17, 2009

yes, i know it's not monday.

here's a freaky writing prompt.

okay, i admit i have a fascination for weird medical conditions. check this out:

A child's genes are inherited from his or her parents, so
when a 52-year-old woman from Boston had a completely different set of genes
than two of her three children, the medical community was at a loss for an
explanation. It took two years for doctors to conclude that she was a "human
chimera," someone with two or more distinct sets of genes. For example, DNA
extracted from the skin of a human chimera may be different from DNA in the
blood. Chimerism -- named after a Greek monster called the chimera with the head
of a lion, body of a goat and tail of a snake -- occurs during pregnancy when
two embryos that would have resulted in fraternal twins fuse early on in the
pregnancy, resulting in one baby with two separate sets of DNA. While some
chimeras have two different eye colors, most lead normal lives and never realize
their condition.

groooovy. almost like two souls trapped inside one person.


  1. Oooh - that is a fun prompt...

  2. thanks, isaac--
    you ever have that feeling someone's watching you? what if it never went away, and it was your absorbed, unborn twin the whole time? creeepy.
    this thing is making me think about stuff...
