Thursday, March 26, 2009

aunt aggy's agony column

one of the wisest souls i know has opened up an advice column for the lovelorn and shopworn, the confused and bemused and abused, the blocked and half-cocked. all questions are welcome, be they writing-related or not--aunt aggy knows all!!

click here:

in other news, i need to pound out a flash fiction tonight. and it's gotta be good. juicy. something to get me back in the groove, because i've been dry as an exposed tendon in the sun. all creaky and chewy. mmmm...tendon. *slaps own face*

all right, back on track. writing starts now. (will get back to you with results.)
go visit aunt aggy--i'm not kidding.


  1. What a beautiful blog. That moon, that tree.

    Good luck with the flash fiction. I entered a ff comp this week so fingers crossed for both of us.

  2. hi laurie - looks like you had the idea for your flash fiction right there! :) Love the blog too - amazing banner picture!

  3. Hiya, followed you here from the pitch party. Love the moon photo.

    Good luck with the flash. Don't you sometimes wish that you could somehow download the contents of your brain direct to the pc? Or did I just read too much sci-fi at an impressionable age... :-)

  4. oh, what lovely comments! thank you!
    @fiona: i'll be crossing my fingers right back for you--good luck in the contest!
    @isaac: thanks for dropping in! i do have a few ideas . . . here's hoping at least one works out. :D
    @katy: so glad you made it from the party, katy! jane did a great thing; i found several great blogs, myself. and yes, i do often wish i could just find that hidden usb port that would link my brain directly to the pc. someday . . . (and really, too much sf?? not possible. :D)

  5. Thanks for the plug Laurie...err...I mean, Aunty Aggy says...

    I haven't been around the circle again for another week, I haven't given up-given up, I've just had a manic week, plus I need to earn a pocket full of KP's before I can upload.

    I will get in and critique yours as soon as.
