Tuesday, March 24, 2009


you ever have the feeling you've forgotten something? doesn't come to you, but it kind of inches around the back of your neck and tickles at the tiny hairs there while you swat at it. won't go away. something . . . something i was supposed to--frick!!!

i remember now.

yesterday was Prompt Monday. mother fudgebucket. sorry, sorry. apologies.
*walks to jar on counter with brain inside, removes lid and cradles gray matter in both hands*
i really should use this thing more often.

this week's Official Tuesday (but really Monday) Writing Prompt:

i love this image, full of mist and mystery. gets me thinking about dark fairy tales. ooooh.

let me ask something else, while i'm here. is your communication style ever affected by a prolonged writing abstinence? as if your creativity testicles are swollen and tender with the growing need to spill forth their dna-soaked verbiage onto the quivering, fertile page?!?!

*draws deep breaths, bosoms heaving*

i'll notice that my most mundane memos become overwrought with veiny prose . . . and i'll use lots of excessive exclamation punctuation marks, too. heh. as a public service, i should just go ahead and write my fiction more often; not so much so people will benefit from reading, but so they don't have to suffer through my turgid non-fiction scribblings in the meantime.


  1. I've come on here determined not to write anything that makes me sound depressed, needy or a bit weird - y'know, in the style of my last two comments. For someone who likes to write, I don't half trip over my own words a lot...and my creativity testicles, they're down by my ankles.

    For some reason, your prompt wants me to write about an untamed pubic thatch - from the crabs' perspective.

  2. go, paulie! write about the crabs. :D
    (and you never sound needy & depressed--you sound artistic. there's a BIG difference.)

  3. Great picture prompt! Unfortunately, I read Paul's comment before I looked at it...
