Monday, August 24, 2009

monday writing prompt!!

official monday prompt:

i'm a sucker for lyrics. maybe it's how they hit strung together with the music, but sometimes a certain song will just settle into me like home. i've never been to either carolina, but ryan adams makes me want to belong there:

"Oh My Sweet Carolina lyrics

I went down to Houston
And I stopped in San Antone
I passed up the station for the bus
I was trying to find me something
But I wasn't sure just what
Man I ended up with pockets full of dust
So I went on to Cleveland and I ended up insane
I bought a borrowed suit and learned to dance
I was spending money like the way it likes to rain

Man I ended up with pockets full of cane
Oh my sweet Carolina
What compels me to go
Oh my sweet disposition

May you one day carry me home
I ain't never been to Vegas but I gambled up my life
Building newsprint boats I race to sewer mains
Was trying to find me something but I wasn't sure just what

Funny how they say that some things never change
Oh my sweet Carolina
What compels me to go
Oh my sweet disposition

May you one day carry me home
Up here in the city feels like things are closing in
The sunsets just my light bulb burning out
I miss Kentucky and I miss my family

All the sweetest winds they blow across the south
Oh my sweet Carolina
What compels me to go
Oh my sweet disposition
May you one day carry me home

May you one day carry me home"

voice of an angel, that man. a foul-mouthed, pissy, egotistical angel.

here's a link, if you'd like to hear the song. a wonderful duet with emmylou harris, another singing angel:

so, a sense of place. we all try to set a scene, a tone, in our stories. how often do we try to place a setting so strong it becomes a character in its own right? how often do we try to create a sense of a place we've never been?


  1. What a wondeful sounding song :)
    I never knew lyrics could serve as writing prompts!

  2. i say throw everything into the pot and see what floats. :)
    thanks for the comment, shigune.
